Check out the recent spread in Today's Chicago Woman Magazine.

Time Out Chicago
This past weekend's Italian Expo, an event designed to highlight Italian food, fashion, cars and workmanship, was held at the Bridgeport Art Center this year. The expo held a fashion show/competition featuring eight Chicago designers competing for a trip to Milan Fashion Week. The fashion lines shown were: Crystal B. Designs by Crystal B. Simms, Britney Devaris by Britney Petrina Devaris, Cettina by Concetta Cipriano, Sheila Rashid, Renovar by Alma Wieser, Michelle Tan, C/Fan by Christina Fan and Miriam Cecilia by Miriam Cecilia Carlson. The winner was Alma Wieser of Renovar.

Check out this article in CY Magazine.

Fashion photo shoot in Jettison Quarterly featuring Renovar designs.